Påja - Worship (Daily) Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)
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Day One
âõakkhettaparittaü (pt 1)
Safeguard in this Order's Domain
Ye santà santacittà, Þ tisaraõasaraõà, Þ ettha lokantare và,
Those (gods) who are peaceful, with peaceful minds, Þ who have taken refuge in the triple refuge, Þ whether here, or above the worlds,
bhummà bhummà ca devà, Þ guõagaõagahaõà, Þ byàvañà sabbakàlaü,
the various earth gods, Þ that group who have taken up, and are engaged in, virtuous deeds all of the time,
ete àyantu devà, Þ varakanakamaye, Þ Meruràje vasanto,
may these gods come, Þ those who dwell on the majestic Mt. Meru, that excellent golden mountain,
santo santo sahetuü Þ Munivaravacanaü Þ sotumaggaü samaggaü.
peacefully, and with good reason, ( to hear) Þ the Sage's excellent word Þ about entering the stream, and harmony.
Sabbesu cakkavàlesu Þ yakkhà devà ca brahmuno,
May all yakkhas, gods, and deities, from the whole universe,
yaü amhehi kataü pu¤¤aü Þ sabbasampattisàdhukaü
after partaking of the merits, and of all the thoroughly good fortune
sabbe taü anumoditvà Þ samaggà sàsane ratà,
we have acquired, Þ being in harmony, and delighting in the teaching,
pamàdarahità hontu Þ àrakkhàsu visesato.
be not heedless Þ and grant us complete protection.
Sàsanassa ca lokassa Þ vuóóhi bhavatu sabbadà,
May the teaching and the world be on the increase every day,
sàsanam-pi ca loka¤-ca Þ devà rakkhantu sabbadà.
and may the gods every day protect the teaching and the world.
Saddhiü hontu sukhã sabbe Þ parivàrehi attano,
May you, and all those who are around you, together with
anãghà sumanà hontu, Þ saha sabbehi ¤àtibhi.
all your relatives, be untroubled, happy, and easy in mind.
Ràjato và, corato và, manussato và, amanussato và,
(May you be protected) from the king, thieves, humans, and non-humans,
aggito và, udakato và, pisàcato và, khàõukato và, kaõñakato và,
from fire and water, demons, stumps, and thorns,
nakkhattato và, janapadarogato và,
from unlucky stars, and epidemics,
asaddhammato và, asandiññhito và, asappurisato và,
from what is not the true dhamma, not right view, not a good person,
and from fierce elephants, horses, antelopes, bulls, dogs, snakes, scorpions, poisonous serpents,
panthers, bears, hyenas, wild boars, buffaloes, yakkhas, rakkhasas, and so on,
nànà bhayato và, nànà rogato và, nànà upaddavato và, àrakkhaü gaõhantu!
from the manifold fears, the manifold diseases, the manifold calamities - (from all of these troubles) may you receive protection!
The Discourse on the Ten Things
Evaü me sutaü:
This is what I heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi
Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.
Tatra kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
There it was that the Auspicious One addressed the monks, saying:
"Bhikkhavo!" ti, "Bhadante!" ti te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
"Monks!", "Reverend Sir!" those monks replied to the Auspicious One,
Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:
"Dasa ime bhikkhave dhammà,
"There are these ten things, monks,
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbà.
that one who has gone forth should always reflect on.
Katame dasa?
What are the ten?
"Vevaõõiy' amhi ajjhupagato" ti,
"I have become one who has no class",
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
ii. "Parapañibaddhà me jãvikà" ti,
"I am bound to others for my livelihood",
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
iii. "A¤¤o me àkappo karaõãyo" ti,
"I should comport myself differently",
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
iv. "Kacci nu kho me attà sãlato na upavadatã?" ti
"Can I myself find no fault with my virtue?"
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
v. "Kacci nu kho maü anuvicca vi¤¤å sabrahmacàrã,
"Will my wise companions in the spiritual life, after testing me,
sãlato na upavadantã?" ti
find no fault with my virtue?"
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
vi. "Sabbehi me piyehi manàpehi nànàbhàvo vinàbhàvo" ti,
"There is diversification in, and seperation from, all that is dear and
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
vii. "Kammassako 'mhi, kammadàyàdo, kammayoni,
"It is actions that I retain, it is actions that I am heir to, it is actions that I
am born from,
kammabandhu, kammapañisaraõo -
actions are my kinsfolk, actions are my refuge -
yaü kammaü karissàmi, kalyàõaü và pàpakaü và,
whatever actions I perform, whether good or bad,
tassa dàyàdo bhavissàmã" ti,
to that I will be the heir",
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
viii. "Kathaü bhåtassa me rattiüdivà vãtipatantã?" ti
"In what way do I pass my nights and days?"
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
ix. "Kacci nu kho 'haü su¤¤àgàre abhiramàmã?" ti
"Do I delight in empty places?"
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
x. "Atthi nu kho me uttarimanussadhammà -
"Has the supreme human state -
alam-ariya-¤àõadassanaviseso - adhigato?
the distinction of what is truly noble knowledge and seeing - been attained by me?
So 'ham pacchime kàle sabrahmacàrãhi puññho,
Will I at the end, when questioned by my companions in the spiritual life,
na maïku bhavissàmã?" ti
be without confusion?"
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbaü.
one who has gone forth should always reflect on this.
Ime kho bhikkhave dasa dhammà,
These are the ten things, monks,
pabbajitena abhiõhaü paccavekkhitabbà" ti.
that one who has gone forth should always reflect on.
Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
The Auspicious One said this,
attamanà te bhikkhå Bhagavato bhàsitaü abhinandun-ti.
and those monks were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in the Gracious One's words.
Verse of Blessing
Etena saccavajjena Þ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you be safe at all times!
Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!
Etena saccavajjena Þ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may all disease be destroyed!

Now go to Conclusion part 1: Sabba-pàpassa akaraõaü...
Påja - Worship (Daily) Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)
Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Day Six Day Seven
Conclusion Home Page Buddhapåjà